Wednesday, 9 April 2014

New crap, same as the old crap

So I got a new computer today, a proper one, not the laptop I've been uncomfortably adapting to over the last few months. So far, it's been more trouble than it's worth. Damn thing arrived in the morning, all built and everything, and wouldn't accept the key for Windows (8 that is, they'll be supporting it for longer and 8.1 sucks, and it seems an OEM copy will actually let you use Microsoft's anti-virus)...

So I carried it back to the builders (actually carried, damn I'm out of shape) over the course of the morning and into early afternoon only to find that they didn't know why it wasn't accepting the key, but reinstalling Windows seemed to work...

So, carry it back home (took a cab for the last leg, lugging this thing around was really tiring) and begin the rounds of Windows updates, interrupted by the occasional bout of nonsense when trying to "trust this PC" and now comes the installing of all the programs I was used to using on the old machine...

Makes me start to hate computers and the whole damn tech industry.