So, hello there. It's been a while. Not much has happened. Stuff and things, sleep, wake, eat, drink, be miserable because tomorrow's a lie.
Anyway, news, for anyone who gives a crap: I'm out of Marvel Heroes. Done. Developer can go bankrupt for all I care. They were insulting and condescending to a large portion of their consumer base (which I feel included myself) and so I'm done with their garbage. I could complain more but I don't wanna. Two months so far but should continue forever.
So, what has filled my time since then? Nothing that might be a improvement to my situation, of course. That would make too much sense. No, first it was a trip back to old faithful Fallout: New Vegas. One of my favourite games, ever. I've even considered a piece about how it's so much better than Fallout 3 that would've gone quite well if I'd worked it into talking about the Fallout 4 announcement when that happened. But of course, I'm behind, it's no longer relevant and nobody cares, at least until the game comes out.
But, I did pick up a couple of new games recently (although there are some slightly older games that I bought around Christmas that I've yet to play), one of which was Batman: Arkham Knight. Yeah... I haven't played it yet, waiting for a patch that is supposed to make the PC version not suck everything, ever.
The other might be gleaned (if you've somehow got insight into the twisted workings of my mind) from the joke title of this entry. No? OK, it's Mortal Kombat X. This one at least does work, because I only bought it after I saw reviews mentioning that it had finally been patched to "playable" status. And to their credit, they seem to have gotten on top if things over at wherever they've farmed out the PC port. Only took them a couple of months post-release. Kind of disturbing that it should be pretty much expected these days.
Anyway, what should be more disturbing is all the violence in MKX but I'm evil and jaded so it's just more of the same. Steam is telling me I've clocked 279 hours (as of this writing) in game so far in the six or so weeks I've had it. Have I mastered it in that time? Of course not, I've only just finished sampling all the characters and unlocking all their "kombat[sic] kard[sic]" backgrounds, borders and icons. Twenty-nine characters, three variations each, fifty wins with each variation...
Do NOT get this game. All right, you can get it if you want, but beware. You will NOT want this on PC, simply because the population of players online is limited (especially here in Australia) and those you come across will likely be better than you, will have no sympathy for beginners, or lag, and you will NOT have fun. On consoles you still likely won't have fun, but at least you'll find more people to play against.
Offline, the computer cheats. Its AI is set to either "do nothing" or "cheat". You pretty much only get somewhere when it's letting you win. That said, play on easy and try the story mode for fun. Or if for some reason you're interested in the story but don't want to play it (?) then just watch it on YouTube.
If you're a competitive pro-type, you've probably already played it, or decided to play something else, so what are you doing here reading my advice for? You don't play games for fun or entertainment, you play them to win at something. Sad really, but lucrative seeing as how there have been some big tournaments involving MKX recently, with more to come.
Otherwise, nothing. Same as it ever was, sky is blue, there's water at the bottom of the ocean, time to retire, I think.