Sunday, 22 October 2017

The Disappointment Will Be Live

So in addition to my last post from whenever ago, I'm now also on Twitch since I've just been put on the NBN and have slightly better internet. A bit more slightly than I approve of, especially since it's more slight than the first few days of my new connection. I guess I'm just supposed to put up with it?

Anyway, nothing much on my Twitch channel just yet, a few archived Fallout 4 streams, playing "survival" difficulty. I should post here more often, I could use it as a reference point for further discussion outside of the stream-of-consciousness of my videos/streams. I'll get around to doing a full length playthrough of the Mortal Kombat X story sometime soon, but I don't have a schedule so my unpredictable mood guides me.

See you around, maybe?

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Shameless Self-promotion Ahead

Hey all you people who aren't reading this: I'm on YouTube now.

Yeah it's not that exciting, but if I get about 9,500 more views I can apply for AdSense revenue on my crappy videos of me sucking at games and complaining about it.

What more could you want?