Friday, 17 October 2014

Fascism, Australia welcomes you

So I've heard about something that passed with way less fanfare than should have accompanied a change of this magnitude.

The National Security Amendments Bill (No. 1)  is now a thing here in Oz permitting practically unrestricted monitoring of Australian internet activity by ASIO & ASIS (hi guys).

Don't you just love a government that decides that "these are the rights you are entitled to as a citizen of this nation unless we determine otherwise on a whim" and claims it's in the name of "national security".

Uh... are we under threat? I'm pretty sure we're more of a threat to ourselves than from faceless foreign stereotypes, we voted for this stupid government after all (well, I didn't but a vast majority of shiftless morons in this country did). If our neighbours are pissed at us, maybe stop being a dick? Or is that what scares you? Corruption from within!

Seems kind of plausible, but not in the way that you think.

If I had more inclination and know-how I'd throw some stupid image meme thing together with a picture of a cruise ship and the caption "STOP THE BOAT PEOPLE!" because that's what retards need to convince them to maybe try thinking at least a little.

Don't worry, the world won't end. It will take more than that. But don't let other people take credit for it because they were "watching out for us".

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